The Power of Community Support

At SuRaksha Parhit Foundation, we recently received a request from a young girl pursuing a physiotherapy degree from a reputed university in Delhi. Her dream had always been to become a doctor, but her family’s financial struggles made this path difficult. Her father, who has a disability and can’t stand for long periods, works in a shoe factory. Her mother balances household duties while working the evening shift at a daycare. Despite their efforts, their combined income wasn’t enough to support her ambitions.

Unable to afford professional coaching, the girl eventually opted for a physiotherapy course. Her parents, determined to help her, managed to pay for her first year by taking loans from relatives. However, when it came time for the second year, they simply couldn’t gather the funds, and she was at risk of being asked to leave the college.

When she came to us for help, our hearts went out to her. As a young organization with limited resources, we couldn’t cover the full cost of her fees. But we knew that if we couldn’t do it alone, perhaps we could do it together with the power of community. We reached out to family, friends, and well-wishers, sharing her story.

The response was incredible. With the support of many generous individuals, we were able to raise enough funds to cover her first semester fees and keep her in college. This experience reaffirmed our belief in the strength of community support. What we couldn’t achieve alone as an NGO, we achieved through the collective efforts of caring people coming together to make a difference.