SuRaksha Parhit Foundation: Mid-Year Impact Report 2024

As we reach the midpoint of 2024, SuRaksha Parhit Foundation is proud to reflect on the impactful work accomplished in the past six months. Our mission has always been to extend a helping hand to those in need, and this year has been no exception. Through our team’s dedication and our supporters’ generosity, we have been able to make a meaningful difference in the lives of many. Here’s a summary of our initiatives and the people we’ve had the privilege to assist.

1. Support to an Ashram for Destitutes

We have been contributing a fixed amount for essential eatables, including sugar, oil, tea, and biscuits, to an ashram serving destitute individuals. This regular support ensures that the residents have access to necessities, fostering a sense of community and care.

2. Physiotherapy for an Elderly Lady

Understanding the importance of health and mobility, we have covered the costs of physiotherapy for an elderly lady. This support has been crucial in aiding her recovery and enhancing her quality of life.

3. Education Sponsorship

Education is the foundation of empowerment, and we are committed to ensuring that financial barriers do not hinder the academic progress of young minds. We have:

  • Paid the quarterly fee for a child studying at Kendriya Vidyalaya in Delhi.
  • Sponsored the education of three children, with two in middle school and one in high school.
  • Covered the annual fee for a young girl whom we helped enroll in a private school.

4. Ration Support for Families

We have provided essential rations to four families. This support has helped reduce the burden of daily living expenses, allowing these families to focus on other critical aspects of their lives.

5. Medical Assistance

Health is a fundamental human right, and we have supported two adults by covering their medicine and doctor consultation charges. This assistance ensures they receive the necessary medical attention without financial strain.

6. Rent Support

We understand that stable housing is vital for well-being. Hence, we have provided rent support to a family in need, ensuring they have a secure place to live.

7. Community Support

  • Water Filter Maintenance: We pay for the regular maintenance of water filter which we had got installed at Geeta mandir in Delhi, providing clean drinking water to all who visit the mandir and also for the old people staying there.
  • Assistance to a Mentally Challenged Child: We helped a mentally challenged child get admitted to a school in Calcutta, paving the way for better educational opportunities.

8. Medical and Household Support

  • Treatment for a Child: We have assisted with the treatment of a child from a family we support with rations, ensuring that health concerns do not overshadow their daily lives.
  • Support for an LIC Worker: After an unfortunate accident left an LIC worker bedridden, we stepped in to support his household expenses, easing the financial burden on his family.

Looking Ahead

As we move forward, SuRaksha Parhit Foundation remains committed to our mission of compassion and service. We are grateful for the trust and support from our community and donors, which makes our work possible. Together, we can continue to bring hope and support to those in need, one step at a time.

If you would like to join us in making a difference, consider donating or volunteering with SuRaksha Parhit Foundation. Every contribution, no matter how small, can make a significant impact.

Thank you for being a part of our journey.