Rehabilitation And Education Support

In a heartening display of community support, SuRaksha Parhit Foundation and Pritam Spiritual Foundation came together for a special initiative in the Poonch region of Jammu. This one-time collaboration exemplified the power of collective action in extending assistance to those facing adversity.

During this joint effort, the foundations facilitated the provision of artificial limbs to a handicapped individual, granting them newfound mobility and independence. This act of kindness not only transformed the life of the recipient but also underscored the organizations’ dedication to improving the well-being of community members.

Additionally, the foundations united to alleviate the financial burden on a family facing hardship. Two young girls, whose father, a dholi by profession, was gradually losing his eyesight, received support to cover their school fees. This gesture ensured that despite their family’s challenges, the girls could continue their education uninterrupted, nurturing their aspirations for the future.

Though the collaboration was a one-time occurrence, its impact resonates deeply within the community. SuRaksha Parhit Foundation and Pritam Spiritual Foundation’s joint endeavor serves as a testament to the importance of compassion and solidarity in uplifting individuals and families during times of need.