Empowering Dreams: Supporting a Future Doctor in Kanpur

SuRaksha Parhit Foundation is proud to share a heartwarming story of impact and hope. We have recently helped a bright young child in Kanpur continue his education by covering his admission fees and committing to support his monthly tuition fees as well.

This young student has always dreamed of becoming a doctor. His determination and academic excellence have set him apart, but financial difficulties threatened to halt his progress. His father works at a junior level position, and his mother is a housewife, making it challenging for them to manage his school fees alongside their other monthly expenses.

Recognizing his potential and passion, SuRaksha Parhit Foundation stepped in to ensure that financial barriers do not stand in the way of his dreams. We believe that every child deserves the opportunity to pursue their aspirations, regardless of their financial background.

We are committed to supporting this promising student’s journey and look forward to seeing him achieve great success in the future.