Extended Sustenance and Support to a Family in Crisis

In the intricate tapestry of our philanthropic pursuits, serendipity brought us in contact with a family grappling with the profound challenge of ailing health and financial precarity. The sole breadwinner, the patriarch, battled kidney maladies, necessitating dialysis and rendering him unable to sustain the family’s livelihood. Discovered through one of our dedicated team members, SuRaksha swiftly intervened, offering a lifeline in the form of monthly rations, rental assistance, and crucial medical support. Despite the poignant loss of the family’s anchor on January 1st, our commitment endured. For the subsequent eight months, we stood as pillars of strength, ensuring the family’s sustenance until the son secured gainful employment as a car driver. Our engagement persists, as we remain a steadfast ally, extending our support whenever the family requires solace and assistance.